
Showtime! Uta no Onee-san Datte Shitai – Season 1

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Minami, a former singing sensation dubbed the “Senior Sister of Melody,” spent her life to entrancing kids with her seductive voice and kind demeanor. Shoji, a dedicated single father, managed to gracefully balance both his career and family responsibilities. Their hearts immediately linked when fate brought them together, and they started dating.

Their romance developed in complete secrecy since Minami’s status as a kid star called for tact. Stealing moments to spend together only strengthened their love as their relationship grew. During each encounter, Minami and Shoji had the delight of being profoundly in love as well as being idols and parents.

Nevertheless, bliss might be brief. While their covert relationship persisted, rumors of a scandal spread around them. The same thing they dreaded the most—exposure—was now endangering their formerly secret relationship. Minami and Shoji were forced to make a decision as the storm of outrage gathered. Would they face the music and take a stand for their hearts, or would they keep their love a secret and risk everything?

It was ultimately up to time to determine if their harmonic love could resist the dissonant chords of controversy and public opinion.

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